Most Influential 5-Years Journal First Paper on Software Testing: Dr. Panichella has been awarded the Most Influential 5-Years Journal First Paper on Software Testing for the paper "How developers engage with static analysis tools in different contexts" (published in Empirical Software Engineering journal) by the Best Journal First Committee at the ICST Conference in 2025.
Paper accepted at TOSEM 2025: "A Roadmap for Simulation-Based Testing of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Future Direction". Special issue "A 2030 Roadmap for Software Engineering" in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM 2025).
Paper accepted at ICPC 2025: "Explaining GitHub Actions Failures with Large Language Models: Challenges, Insights, and Limitations". International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2025).
“European Commission's Innovation Radar” Assessment of the COSMOS H2020 project : The innovations developed in the COSMOS H2020 project ( have been analyzed by the “European Commission's Innovation Radar” ( and categorized as "Market Maturity" and "Market Ready" as reported here (more details on this categorisation are provided here provided here (2024)
Nominated as Management Committee Member to represent the COST Action CA22137 in Switzerland. Member of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology): WG4 on "Optimisation under uncertainty" (2024)
Paper accepted at FSE 2024: "How does Simulation-based Testing for Self-driving Cars match Human Perception?". ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering. 2024.
Paper accepted at SoftwareX 2024: "Identifying Safety-Critical Concerns in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Software Platforms with SALIENT". SoftwareX Journal. 2024.
Paper accepted at ICSE 2024: "Simulation-based Testing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Aerialist". International Conference on Software Engineering. 2024.
Paper accepted at MSR 2024: "SensoDat: Simulation-based Sensor Dataset of Self-driving Cars". Mining Software Repositories (MSR). 2024.
Paper accepted at SBFT 2024: "Diversity-guided Search Exploration for Self-driving Cars Test Generation through Frenet Space Encoding.". Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing. 2024.
Project accepted by the Swiss National Science Foundation !! Project entitled "SwarmOps: Human-sensing based MLOps for Collaborative Cyber-physical systems"
Project accepted by the Hasler Foundation!! Project entitled "Bridging the Reality Gap in Testing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
Led a Shonnan meeting with the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan, on the topic: "DevOps for Cyber-physical Systems" - See the visual summary of the meeting: (image).
Paper accepted at ASE 2023: "TEASER: Simulation-based CAN Bus Regression Testing for Self-driving Cars Software". International Conference on Automated Software Engineering - 2023.
J1 presentation at ICSE on "Single and Multi-objective Test Cases Prioritization for Self-driving Cars in Virtual Environments" - slides - 2023
The Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST) shared a blogpost highlighting the significance of the SBFT event I have led in 2023
Leading of the Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT): here the slides and Video of the international event - 2023
Leading of the Intl. Workshop on NL-based Software Engineering workshops (NLBSE): here the slides and Video of the international event - 2023
Keynote presentation at ICST (AIST workshop) entitled "Testing and Development Challenges for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems: Insights from the COSMOS H2020 Project" - slides
J1 presentation at ICST on "An Empirical Characterization of Software Bugs in Open-Source Cyber-Physical Systems" - slides - 2023
COSMOS H2020 project presentation at WASOS workshop, hosted with HiPEAC (slides) - 2023
Paper accepted at ICST 2023: "Simulation-based Test Case Generation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Neighborhood of Real Flights". International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation. - 2023
Best PhD Thesis Award: Congratulations to Pooja Rani on receiving an award at the University of Bern for her Ph.D. thesis entitled "Assessing Comment Quality in Object-Oriented Languages" (image)
Paper accepted at EMSE Journal 2023: "Machine Learning-based Test Selection for Simulation-based Testing of Self-driving Cars Software". Empirical Software Engineering.
Paper accepted at STVR Journal 2023: "JUGE: An Infrastructure for Benchmarking Java Unit Test Generators". Software Testing, Verification and Reliability journal.
Paper accepted at JSS Journal 2023: "A Decade of Code Comment Quality Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review". Journal of Systems & Software
Paper accepted at SCP journal 2022: "Cost-effective Simulation-based Test Selection in Self-driving Cars Software". Science of Computer Programming journal.
Paper accepted at TOSEM journal 2022: "Automated Identification and Qualitative Characterization of Safety Concerns Reported in UAV Software Platforms". Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Paper accepted at TOSEM journal 2022: "Continuous Integration and Delivery practices for Cyber-Physical systems: An interview-based study". Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Paper accepted at JSS Journal 2022: "An Empirical Characterization of Software Bugs in Open-Source Cyber-Physical Systems". Journal of Systems & Software
Supporting grant accepted Doctoral funding at the SoE ZHAW (2022-2025): The funding will support and complement the studies of a Ph.D. student working in the context of the COSMOS H2020 project (contract no. 957254). - link
Paper accepted at EMSE Journal 2022: "Test Smells 20 Years Later: Detectability, Validity, and Reliability". Empirical Software Engineering.
Award at MSR: "MSR 2022 Distinguished Reviewer Award" - link
Paper accepted at TOSEM journal 2022: "Single and Multi-objective Test Cases Prioritization for Self-driving Cars in Virtual Environments" - Preprint