Professional Services

Member of associations:

Nominated as Management Committee Member to represent the COST Action CA22137 in Switzerland. Member of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology): WG4 on "Optimisation under uncertainty"
Member of the EU Sparc Robotics group -
Member of the ZHAW Digital Futures Lab - (2023 - 2024)
Elevation to the grade of IEEE Senior Member : Only 10% of IEEE’s more than 450,000 members hold this grade. 2024

Technical (i.e., main PI) Coordinator of EU and National grants:
Main PI of the "SNSF" project "SwarmOps: Human-sensing based MLOps for Collaborative Cyber-physical systems"  
Main PI of the "Horizon EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-funded Doctoral Networks" project "InnoGuard: Hybrid and Generative Intelligence for Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems"  
Main PI of the "Hasler Foundation" project "Bridging the Reality Gap in Testing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"  

Technical coordinator of the H2020 project "COSMOS: DevOps for Complex Cyber-physical Systems"  
Main PI of the Innosuisse project "ARIES: Exploiting User Journeys and Testing Automation for Supporting Efficient Energy Service Platforms"  

Reviewer, opponent, or examinator of Ph.D. Dissertations:
External examinator of Ph.D. Dissertation   by Adriano Torres at at University of Adelaide (2024).
External examinator of Ph.D. Dissertation   by Zainab Javed at at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan (2024).
External Review of Ph.D. research proposal   by Mme Zid at at Polytechnique Montréal (August 2022).
Reviewer/opponent of a Ph.D. Dissertation   of Nitish Shriniwas at University of Bern, Institute of Computer Science (March 2022).
Reviewer/opponent of a Ph.D. Dissertation  at University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science (2019/2020)

Keynote Speaker of International Conferences and co-located events:
- Keynote speaker  at AIST (co-located to ICST 2023) - slides
- Keynote speaker  at VST 2018 (co-located to SANER 2018) - slides
- Keynote speaker  the Workshop on Dependable DevOps co-located with the SafeComp conference, 2021.

Editor or Co-editor of special Issues at International Journals:
- Editor of Software Track special Issue at Journal of Science of Computer Programming on "SBFT’23: Search-Based and Fuzz Testing Tools." - link
- Editor of Software Track special Issue at Journal of Science of Computer Programming on "SBST’22: Search-Based Software Engineering – Tools. 2022" - link
- Editor of Software Track special Issue at Journal of Science of Computer Programming on "NLP-based software engineering. 2022" link
- Editor of a the special Issue at EMSE entitled "Software Engineering for Mobile Applications. 2018"
- Editor of a the special Issue at IST entitled "User Feedback and Software Quality in the Mobile Domain. 2018"

Organising Summer Schools workshops:
1st Summer School on Software Evolution: From Monolithic to Cloud-Native. Program available at

Organising research workshops:
Co-organizer of the CHOOSE-forum 2017 (

Lecturer in International Summer Schools:
Lecturer at the Summer School on "Search- and Machine Learning Software Engineering" - link - slides

General Chair of International Conferences:
- International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation - ICST 2025

Chair of International Workshops:
- International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Software Testing (AIST) - Collocated with ICST 2024
- Workshop on Natural Language-Based Software Engineering Workshop (NLBSE) - Collocated with ICSE 2022, ICSE 2023, ICSE 2024
- Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST) - Collocated with ICSE 2022, ICSE 2023
- Organizer and chair of the The 1st International Workshop on Advanced DevOps, Analysis Tools and Reengineering Practices for AI-based, Cyber-physical, and Distributed Systems (ADEVOPS4IoTSYS) co-located with the International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER’22)
- Organizer and chair of the Workshop on DevOps Testing for Cyber-Physical Systems - Collocated with ICST 2021
- SBST/SBFT Tool competition chair - Collocated with ICSE 2020, 2021, 2024 (Tool chair of UAV and Python competitions)
- First International Workshop on Cloud-Native Applications Design and Experience - CNAX 2018 Co-located with UCC 2018 and BDCAT 2018 conferences Zurich, Switzerland.

Editorial Board Member of International Journals:
Journal of Software: evolution and process
Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

Review Board Member of International Journals:
Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
ACM TOSEM Board of Distinguished Reviewers

Organising committee member of International Conferences and Workshops:
Program Committee member of the  International Conference on Software Engineering - (ICSE 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2018)
Program Committee member of the  ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2021)
Reviewer of Research Track, Industrial Track and Expert Review Panel Member of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022, 2021, 2017).
Program Committee member of the  the IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST 2024, 2022, 2020)  
Program Committee member of  International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2024, 2023, 2022, 2018, 2017).
Program Committee member of the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2024, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016)
Program Committee member of the  International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (2021)
Program Committee member of the
International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2023, 2022, 2020, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014).
Program Committee member of  the International Conferance on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2017)
Program Committee member of workshop on Quality Aspects in Digital Twins and Cyber-physical Systems (QUATIC 2022).
Program Committee member of 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Software Engineering in Symbiosis.
Program Committee member of  ESEC/FSE 2018 - Formal Demonstration Track.
Program Committee member of SBST 2018 (11th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing), Gothenburg, Sweden.
Program Committee member of the Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2017, 2016, 2015).
Program Committee member of the 10th Seminar on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution" (SATToSE 2017), Madrid, Spain.
Program Committee member of the  Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2023, 2021, 2020)
Program Committee member of the  International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evolution (2020)
Program Committee member of  the International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST 2020, 2019, 2018)   
Program Committee member of  the  of 3rd International Workshop on App Market Analytics (WAMA 2019)
Program Committee member of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety Engineering - WAISE (2020)
Program Committee member of the Workshop on Validation, Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests (VST 2022).
Program Committee member of the International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE)
Program Committee member of the International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology.

Reviewer for the following International Journals:
- Scientific Reports - Nature
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Transactions on Software Engineering
- Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Information and Software Technology
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
- Science of Computer Programming
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology
- Communications of the ACM
- Software Testing, Verification and Reliability
- Transactions on Services Computing
- Transactions on Mobile Computing
- Software: Practice and Experience journal
- Communications of the ACM
- etc.

Web Chair of International Conferences:
21st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2013), San Francisco, California, USA.

Internship in Canada:
From 27 May 2013 to 27 July 2013 he has been a visiting researcher at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada. Supervisor: Prof. Giuliano Antoniol.

External Reviewer of Grant Applications:
External Reviewer of PRIN (National Project) and member of the CNVR (National Committee for the Evaluation of Research) for the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) in Italy, aimed at financing public research projects
External Reviewer of projects submitted in the Quebec-Flanders bilateral research cooperation program.
External Reviewer of projects submitted in the Mitacs Accelerate research program.

Research Meetings:
Led a Shonnan meeting with the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan, on the topic: "DevOps for Cyber-physical Systems" - See the visual summary of the meeting: image - 2023 .
Sebastiano Panichella was invited by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan, to participate in NII Shonan Meeting entitled Mobile App Store Analytics (Japan) -2015.

Talks Given:
- International Summer School on Software Engineering 2011 How identify Mentors in software projects? Discussion and perspectives July 2011.
- FSE 2012 Who is going to Mentor Newcomers in Open Source Projects?, November 2012.
- ICPC 2012 Mining source code descriptions from developer communications, June 2012.
- ICSE 2013 YODA: Young and newcOmer Developer Assistant, May 2013.
- ICSM 2013 Empirical Investigation on Documentation Usage Patterns in Maintenance Tasks, September.
- CSER 2013 - Concordia University downtown Montral ( Supporting Developers, Mining of Software Repositories, June.
- ICPC 2014 How the Evolution of Emerging Collaborations Relates to Code Changes: an Empirical Study, June.
- ICPC 2014 CODES: mining sourCe cOde Descriptions from developErs diScussions, June.
- ICMSE 2014 How Developers Collaborations Identified from Different Sources Tell us About Code Changes, September.
- ASE 2014 Recommending Refactorings based on Team Co-Maintenance Patterns, September.
- SANER 2015 Would Static Analysis Tools Help Developers with Code Reviews? March.
- ICSME 2015 How Can I Improve My App? Classifying User Reviews for Software Maintenance and Evolution, October.
- ICSME 2015 Supporting Newcomers in Software Development Projects, October.
- ASE 2015 Development Emails Content Analyzer: Intention Mining in Developer Discussions, November.
- EOSESE 2015 Textual Analysis or Natural Language Parsing? A Software Engineering Perspective, December.
- "Adesso Quartalsmeeting" - 2016 Summarization Techniques for Code, Changes, and Testing, February.
- Invited by Gran Sasso Science Institute, Center of Advanced Studies - 2016 Systematic Mining of Software Repositories, July.
- ICSE 2016 The Impact of Test Case Summaries on Bug Fixing Performance: An Empirical Investigation, May.
- FSE 2016 ARdoc: App Reviews Development Oriented Classifier, November.
- FSE 2016 What Would Users Change in My App? Summarizing App Reviews for Recommending Software Changes, November.
- ICSE 2017 SURF: Summarizer of User Reviews Feedback, May.
- ICSE  2017 Analyzing APIs Documentation and Code to Detect Directive Defects, May.
- VSS  2017  Summarization Techniques for Code, Change, Testing and User Feedback, December.
- VST (collocated with SANER 2018) Summarization Techniques for Code, Change, Testing and User Feedback. March.
- SBST 2019 (collocated with ICSE 2019) DRONE: A Tool to Detect and Repair Directive Defects in Java APIs Documentation. May.
- ICSE 2019 The Cloudification Perspectives of Search-based Software Testing May.
- IC2E 2019 Quality and Feedback Techniques in Kubernetes Application Engineering June.
- Talk at Cisco Systems GmbH 2019 - on Cloud-based testing. July.
- ICSE 2020 - Java Unit Testing Tool Competition-Eighth Round . IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops (ICSE 2020).
- RE-2020 - Requirements-Collector: Automating Requirements Specification from Elicitation Sessions and User Feedback . IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’20).
- FSE 2021 J1 - Presentation of the paper: Sebastiano Panichella and Nik Zaugg: An Empirical Investigation of Relevant Changes and Automation Needs in Modern Code Review. Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) Journal.
- Lecturer at the Summer School in 2022 on "Search- and Machine Learning Software Engineering" - - link - slides
- WASOS 2023 DevOps for Complex Cyber-physical Systems at the (WASOS - link ) Workshop on Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS), co-located with the HiPEAC, European Network on High-performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation. 2023 - slides
- ICST 2023 Journal First presentation: Fiorella Zampetti, Ritu Kapur, Massimiliano Di Penta, Sebastiano Panichella: An Empirical Characterization of Software Bugs in Open-Source Cyber-Physical Systems. Journal of Systems & Software (JSS). slides
- SWForum 2023 Event entitled DevOps Innovation in Practice: New lifecycle processes, new applications. Presentation made entitled: "COSMOS: New DevOps pipelines for efficient development of cyber-physical systems" video
- ICST 2023 Keynote Presentation: Testing and Development Challenges for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems: Insights from the COSMOS H2020 Project slides
- Leading of the Intl. Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing (SBFT): here the slides and Video of the international event - 2023
- Leading of the Intl. Workshop on NL-based Software Engineering workshops (NLBSE): here the slides and Video of the international event - 2023
- ASE 2023 Presentation: Automated Identification and Qualitative Characterization of Safety Concerns Reported in UAV Software Platforms slides
- Presentation at the eucloudedgeiot 2024 event named "Cognitive Cloud Infrastructure: AI to make it fast, lightweight and performant", with presentation entitled: Testing and Development Challenges for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems: Insights from the COSMOS H2020 Project link
- etc.